Blemished skin: when should you see a doctor?

Blemished skin: when should you see a doctor?

Everyone has impure skin. So you don’t have to go to the doctor for every pimple. However, if you suffer significantly from dirty skin, have had impure skin for a long time, blackheads and pimples appear all over the place, or have large nodules, blisters or skin inflammation develop, you should consult a doctor. Because without adequate treatment – or if you put your hand on the pimple yourself – large-scale inflammation and large scars can develop.

The right contact person for impure skin is a dermatologist, i.e. a skin doctor.

Impure skin: what does the doctor do?

The doctor will first ask you how long you have had impure skin, what remedies you have already used to treat it, and also want to know a few things about your lifestyle: How do you eat? Do you take any medication? If so – which ones? What about your nicotine and alcohol consumption? This gives the doctor a first clue as to what could be causing the impure skin despite good skincare?.

Fight the pimples!

Unfortunately, you are never too old for pimples – even if they become significantly less over the years. Nevertheless, pimples are always an aesthetic nuisance for those who wear them. To prevent them, you must start with their preliminary stage, the blackheads. This helps in the fight against impure skin!

This is how blackheads are formed

Sebum is a good thing – the substance protects the skin and makes it supple. However, if a sebaceous gland means too well with the production, it clogs the duct – a blackhead develops. The dot appears black because the pigment melanin, produced in the blocked sebaceous gland, reacts with oxygen in the air and then appears dark. If bacteria come into play now, the blackhead can become inflamed. This means: armies of the immune system enter the sebum duct, and a bright red or yellow pimple develops.

To Press?

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a blackhead or a pimple with a small head of pus – the temptation to push the contents out with a targeted pressure of your fingernails is excellent. But be careful: Dermatologists warn against squeezing out pimples yourself because this way, the collected sebum can get into the surrounding tissue. Bacteria can penetrate deeper into the skin, causing larger abscesses. As a result, it takes much longer to heal.

Put yourself in experienced hands

Still, please get rid of the blackheads first of all. If you suffer from impure skin, you should put yourself in the professional hands of a beautician. She removes the black dots professionally – without leaving scars and inflammation.

Mild soap and scrub

Do not wash your face too often. Otherwise, you destroy the protective layer of the skin. For this reason, you should only use mild and preferably pH-neutral soaps for cleaning (i.e. with a pH value of around 5.5). It is also good to regularly remove old skin cells and pastry covers – this reduces the risk of the sebaceous glands becoming clogged. This works well with peelings, for example.

Water based creams

Problem skin also wants to be creamed. It is better to use water-based products for this. Products with too much fat or oil clog the pores and promote impure skin.

Take care of your skin

Extremes are never good for the skin because they stress the body shell. Avoid exposure to too much cold, heat or UV radiation, as these factors can promote impure skin because they strain it.

Low bacterial load on the face

Use separate towels for your face and hands – this reduces the number of germs that get on your face. For the same reason, don’t touch your face too often because our gripping tools often swarm with bacteria – especially when the sebaceous glands are already inflamed. In plain language, this means: Don’t fumble around with pimples!

Eat properly

Some sufferers get pimples from eating certain foods, such as dairy products. Pay attention to whether you might have such a connection and avoid complementary foods. Incidentally, no scientific evidence shows that chips or chocolate promote pimple formation.

In general, there is one thing you need for acne therapy: patience. Impure skin with pimples, blackheads, and acne does not disappear daily. You have to allow for several weeks before the treatment takes effect.

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