Functional nutrition is everything you need to know

Your well-being impacts not only you but your entire family in a positive way. Enjoy each day while you discover the benefits of nourishing care for your skin through food. Eating healthy can make a big difference in how you look and feel. Everything that happens in your body is indeed reflected in your skin. It is not for nothing that the phrase “you are what you eat” is so famous.

Food plays a very important role in the health of your skin since it is the engine that activates bodily functions and helps your systems and organs work to a hundred. As people concerned about the health of our skin, we are constantly looking for alternatives to have a healthy and varied diet that at the same time helps us to nourish the skin and maintain good health. This is where we find functional nutrition, a trend based on foods that have multiple benefits for our health.

What is functional nutrition?

Functional foods are those that, in addition to providing nutrients, offer benefits for your skin and body, and provide a better state of health and well-being. According to a study, these foods play a preventive role since they reduce the risk factors that cause the appearance of diseases in the body.

A very special characteristic of functional foods is that they are rich in:

• Vitamins

• Minerals

• Antioxidants

• Dietary fiber

• Good fats

• Probiotics

Functional foods are much more common than you think, and it is very likely that you have several of them in your kitchen and consume them regularly.

Who should consume functional foods?

Anyone can include functional foods in their diet: from teenagers to adults and the elderly. As they have great nutritional properties, this type of food can be included in the diet of children and pregnant women.

The interest in leading a healthy lifestyle and reducing the risk of contracting diseases has led more and more people to include functional foods in their regular diet. And although all people have different nutritional needs (according to age, sex and physical activity), it has been proven that functional foods guarantee the nutrient intake recommended by nutrition specialists.

Functional foods for healthy skin

Functional foods are part of a healthy and balanced diet, so you can consume them daily and in portions similar to the rest of your usual foods. It’s time to include these foods for healthy and nourished skin; this will make you feel good inside and out.

1. Avocado: Avocado is one of the fruits with the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids.

How does it nourish the skin?: Provides luminosity and hydration. In addition, it has natural oils that help reduce premature skin aging.

2. Oats: Oats are one of the richest foods in fiber, vitamins and minerals. It has high levels of antioxidants, vitamin E and provides energy to the body.

How does it nourish the skin? It acts as a natural moisturizer as it penetrates deep into the skin, offering much-needed moisture. In addition, it helps balance the skin’s pH, thus keeping it healthy.

3. Omega 3: Water and fats necessary for your body. Oily fish, nuts such as almonds and walnuts, and seeds such as chia and flaxseed are foods rich in Omega 3.

How does it nourish the skin? Consuming fatty acids such as Omega 3 helps your skin look younger and smoother. It also works as an anti-inflammatory and helps to hydrate the skin.

4. Red fruits: Red berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries contain antioxidants that slow down premature skin aging. They are also rich in vitamin C, the main stimulant for collagen production.

How do they nourish the skin? Its large amount of vitamin C helps to have healthy-looking skin.

5. Yogurt: Besides being a great natural moisturizer, this product is high in protein, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. It also contains lactic acid, an element that provides luminosity and improves skin texture.

How does it nourish the skin? Being a natural antioxidant, it promotes skin elasticity and stimulates collagen production, which can improve its appearance.

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