Due to the prevailing conditions of the global pandemic, covering the face with masks and using hand sanitizer has become an essential part of our lives. You go outside for your any personal work, masks are compulsory now. The market is flourished with the unlimited variety and types of masks made up of a mixture of fabrics and materials. Masks can prevent you from infections but have you ever wonder that masks can also cause some skin reactions if not used properly?
Yes, it might be shocking but wearing low-quality and dirty masks can damage your skin especially the face area. Masks usually cover the nose and mouth region. When we breathe the respiratory droplets might get trapped inside the mask causing skin problems later on.
Maskne which is a sort of new face acne can cause various side effects to the skin including:
- Acne (Pores become clogged with oil, and dead skin cells causing pimples and blackheads)
- Rosacea (Wearing a mask can cause redness and pimples)
- Contact dermatitis (Long-term usage of masks can cause red rash, irritation, and blisters)
- Folliculitis (infection of hair follicles causing bumps that look like acne breakout)
Causes of maskne
Your skin might get prone to clogged pores due to environmental pollution. Wearing a mask leads to build up all these substances in the skin, blocking the pores. Masks also trap the humidity through your respiratory droplets which can also lead to acne. Some masks are pretreated with chemicals and are washed in a scented detergent which can irritate some skin types.
Treating maskne
Due to the global pandemic, it is now compulsory thing to wear masks. We cannot deny this thing so to treat maskne, you can adopt some preventive measures which can help to reduce the development of acne and other skin problems.
- Wash your face regularly and frequently. It is advisable to wash your face when you feel sweating due to wearing a mask for a long time. This practice can reduce the incidence of the development of pimples and other skin problems.
- Develop the habit of cleaning at least once a day. Cleansing helps to deeply remove the dirt and dust particles from the skin and reduces the chances of irritation. Use a medicated cleanser when using a mask with the ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
- To treat maskne, reduce the usage of makeup. The beauty products like concealer, foundation, and blush can clog your skin pores developing the maskne symptoms and prolongs healing.
- Wear a disposable mask and throw it away after using it. Practice this habit as much as you can as it is not hygienically safe to reuse the masks again and again.
- If you are using the fabric mask, then never use them without washing them first. Use them when they are completely dry.
- If you have dry and itchy skin, then apply moisturizer before wearing a mask to avoid rashness and redness. Moisturizer serves as a barrier between your skin and mask.
- Choose the type of mask according to your skin. Try to wear a mask that fits snugly. Your mask should not be either too tight or too loose. It should be made up of natural and soft fabric like cotton and should contain two or more layers for extra protection.