How To Make the Switch to Nontoxic Products

How To Make the Switch to Nontoxic Products

At this point, we’re all aware of the devastating effects that toxic chemicals have on our health. Chemicals like BPA and phthalates are linked to hormonal imbalances, reproductive problems, and cancer.

But what about your cosmetics?

Our skin is our largest organ, and it absorbs up to 60% of what we put on it. When you think about everything you use in a day, from soap, shampoo, lotion to toothpaste, they’re all made with some form of synthetic chemical ingredient that’s been linked to health issues. In today’s society, where women wear makeup every day for years without removing it at night, how can we be sure that these products aren’t harming us?

How To Make the Switch

You may feel overwhelmed at the prospect of changing up everything you own all at once. And let’s be honest: you spent a lot of money on all of that stuff, and it feels wasteful to get rid of it. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to do everything in one fell swoop. You may utilize up your current products or dispose of them as they run out, gradually shifting to nontoxic alternatives. This way, the expense of switching to nontoxic cosmetics does not hit you all at once.

You may also try prioritizing your most-used goods to make the switch. If you only use eye shadow for special events but wear mascara every day, start by replacing your mascara. The same goes for skincare and body care, which should be on your must-buy list, as we use them frequently—and, as previously said, everything gets absorbed by our skin. Also, don’t forget about nontoxic sunscreen—not only is it essential for your health, but it also reduces pollution in the environment.

The second lesser-known benefit of taking things slowly is that it’s difficult to give up on something you’re used to and enjoy. Many of us have worn the same brand of mascara since high school! We get into a rhythm with our cosmetics and skincare. Changing to natural deodorant may take some trial and error, as anybody who has made the change knows.

Choosing the best nontoxic makeup and skincare

Choosing the best nontoxic makeup and skincare is an important decision. It is an outward presentation of what we put on our faces. It can be challenging to find all-natural, eco-friendly brands on the market. Still, many on the market promote themselves as such. A few tips on choosing nontoxic makeup and skincare:

  • Check for a tattoo on the packaging. If you spot one, you know that this brand defines what they create as free of harsh chemicals or animal testing.
  • Look for products with low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) because these types of chemicals may cause headaches from the smell.
  • Find out if any ingredients can cross into the body through your skin. If they can, this may cause cancer depending on the components.
  • Check for inks in tattoos because some inks have heavy metals, which are unsuitable for anyone.

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